Don’t marry mobile app design

Somnath Nabajja
2 min readNov 16, 2023


Photo by Cottonbro Studio

We are receiving a good number of folios for the Sr. Product Designer role.

One pattern, I’ve noticed is that a lot of designers are too vested in designing B2C mobile apps.

But I want to remind fellow designers that it would prove quite beneficial to develop design sense for B2B apps too.

And I would like to tell you a non-design reason for this.

Quite a lot of layoffs have happened in recent years. The biggest chunk belongs to B2C companies. And btw, B2B companies have been affected too. But the worst that has happened is a hiring freeze or, at most, a deferred appraisal. That’s because B2B companies tend to have a more stable foundation due to their focus on generating revenue early on.

Also, a good number of talent available in the market wants to stay away from startups. Don’t do that. Do a bit of research and find out if the company has done layoffs recently. Also, don’t be shy about asking questions during interviews about the company’s runway status.

So let’s all keep an open mind about the potential of B2B.

I’ve nothing against B2C. Some are solving really great problems. But don’t want to discard the fact that people are bothered about stability in this market. People have bills to pay. They don’t want to burn their fingers again.

This medium story is an attempt to offer my 2 cents in helping designers think rationally as they hunt for their next adventure.

Keep designing…
Welcome, diversity…
Design/explore both i.e. B2C, B2B, Mobile, Web etcetera…

All the best :)

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Somnath Nabajja

I’m a UXer with 10+ years exp. Designed experiences for B2C and B2B. My designs have catered to Tier 1, 2 and beyond in India as well as other emerging markets.